Wave of Kindness Campaign

One small action creates a wave

Volunteer Nova Scotia invites you to be part of the #WaveOfKindness campaign! Every act of kindness—big or small—has the power to create ripples of positivity throughout our communities. Let’s come together to show that Nova Scotians still care and are willing to pay it forward.

Leading up to National Volunteer Week (April 27-May 3), Volunteer Nova Scotia is asking everyone to help recognize and celebrate the small acts of kindness that brighten someone’s day. We want to celebrate the informal volunteers, all the people who step up to help when they are needed.

Tell us about the person who helped when the car broke down. The stranger who paid your bill at the grocery store. The people who helped when your dog went missing. We want to recognize the ones who willingly help others and ask for nothing in return. Upload a video, or share a post and tag us on social media.

Let’s flood social media with kindness!

Your video will be used in our social media campaign on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.

How It Works

Participating is simple! Just answer one of these questions in a short video:

  • Did someone ever pay it forward for you? - If so how?

  • Who made a positive difference in your day? - Will you share?

  • Have you ever needed help and someone you didn’t know came to the rescue? Tell us in a short video, or a post on social and #WaveOfKindness.

Submit Your Video Here

Use this page to record and upload your #WaveOfKindness video. Simply click the upload button, follow the prompts, and share your story. Your submission will help create a ripple effect of generosity and inspire others to take action. Thank you for making a difference!