Volunteer Symposium 2019

The day-long conference welcomed Key Note Speaker Danny Graham of Engage Nova Scotia and followed up with eight concurrent morning and afternoon workshops, each focused on helping both volunteers and community-based organizations increase their capacity for the incredible work they do in community.​

Lisa MacDougall, Executive Director of Valley Restorative Justice, summarized her experience as “An exceptionally well-planned Volunteer Leadership Symposium. I thoroughly enjoyed the day and the presentations were first-class.  I only wish I had been able to take in everyone! These speakers were so knowledgeable and interesting – I cannot thank you enough for the connections.”

Danny Graham, man with short white hair, smiling at camera with crossed arms.

Danny Graham, Chief Engagement Officer of Engage Nova Scotia. Danny believes Nova Scotians are calling for a new future – one where they can be part of the solutions.

“I am so thrilled to hear comments like Lisa’s.” Karrie-Ann Wilkie, KVRC’s Coordinator says.  “Our planning committee recognizes that each person present at the Symposium has taken time from their busy lives to spend the day with us.  It’s important to us to provide them with a high calibre day and to send them off with connections, education and a renewed energy to go back out into the voluntary sector to do the incredibly important community work they do each day to improve the lives of others.”

Ramona Jennex, who has attended all four years of the Symposium, echoes MacDougall’s thoughts. “Everyone I spoke to had an extremely positive experience. Karrie-Ann and the KVRC team make a huge impact on the community through their work. Thanks to KVRC for providing such a great opportunity to learn and meet others who have a passion for volunteering.”

In contrast to Jennex’s years of experience as a participant, first-time attendee, Amber Juby, Founder and President of NOVA Seven Arts Council (NSAC) raved that she “absorbed tons of great info and NSAC will be better prepared because of this experience.”

New this year was a unique closing KVRC chose for the day to act as a summary and thoughtful takeaway for participants. Poet Ashley Avery wrote and performed a poem encompassing the purpose, energy and learnings from the symposium.  It was the perfect way to send participants off to reflect on their learnings from the day and the impact each of them have in their communities. We are pleased to post this powerful Poetic Summary below: 

Today you have joined together in Mi’kma’ki
The unseeded and unsurrendered Mi’kmaq territory
You have come voluntarily in all of your diversity with one commonality—
You care deeply about your community
Despite the difficulties in this work, you have broken down barriers
Formed alliances-- built knowledge and capacity
You have brought heart and tenacity
To create change through volunteerism and unity
You are all best suited to lead transformation in Nova Scotia
Not individually, but together, working collaboratively
Which means fusing the qualities that make us who we are, and appealing to others’
Whole heartedly
Standing firmly in the power of humanity
And walking with vulnerability
Telling stories
Having hard conversations boldly
& bravely
& courageously
Leaning in, to create safety
So that others can receive feedback
With clarity, care, and empathy
Fundamentally, we have a responsibility to make this world a
Better place for ourselves and our families
If we can just teach everyone how to periodically step away from technology
& learn to respect differences of opinions, beliefs and abilities
Volunteering is an extension of who we are
When we open our minds and soften our hearts
We can do the work that is necessary, demanding and hard
It’s about coming together and saying we can do better!
Finding the cause that makes people show up
Because when people care, they show up!
What brings others to the table is unique and complex
When you reveal what that is, you celebrate their success
Recognize their contributions
Clarify the policies in your institutions
Be intentional with your influences
Join together with strategy
& long term vision grounded in sustainability
Set your goals, know your roles and operate with transparency
Know when it’s time to rest and step back with integrity
When you strip away the necessary conversations
That enhance our ability to engage in this work
When you look past
Board structures
You’ll find courage and worth
When you look past recruitment
You’ll see progress and rebirth
& when you understand conflict
You’ll know it’s just strength in reverse
When you hear the development of policy
Think of curating safety
Meetings are really about getting together
And today the need for this has never been greater
Our lives are storied
So whether you’re a volunteer or an employee
We all engage in this work
Because we have the desire to love, and be heard
With those pieces we can begin to build our communities
Bit by bit
Brick by brick
“You may make a living by what you get
But you make a life by what you give”
So dare greatly, give deeply and be courageous
Because in the end
If nothing changes, nothing changes