Catch up on News
Are you a resident of Kings County?
The Municipality of the County of Kings and the seven Villages therein are committed to improving accessibility for persons with disabilities in our communities. One of the ways that we intend to do that, is to create a plan to support our local non-profit organizations to become more accessible.
Making Waves: What it means to be Canadian
If a rising tide lifts all boats, this year’s theme for National Volunteer week April 27-May 3, is about to make a splash.
Dr. Megan Conway, CAO of Volunteer Canada, recently announced this year’s theme for National Volunteer Week: Volunteers Make Waves. It highlights the power, impact and importance of individual and collective volunteer efforts across Canada.
Celebrating a few of the many who make a difference
Valerie Despres, Volunteer of the Year for Kings County, was among the special people recently honoured at the annual awards celebration hosted by the Municipality of the County of Kings.
“We have an outstanding group of volunteers that do some fantastic work for the benefit of their communities. I don’t know where we would be without them and the fantastic work they do,” said Mayor Dave Corkum. “Volunteering truly makes a difference.”
Recognizing 50 Years of Volunteers Making a Difference in Their Communities
Nova Scotians recently celebrated the heart and soul of community goodwill at the Provincial Volunteer Awards, where the Department of Culture, Communities, Tourism and Heritage honored 72 community heroes for their vital roles. Premier Tim Houston commended the volunteers as “the strength behind community initiatives, the heart of charitable endeavors, and the soul of outreach programs.
Volunteer NS Celebrates 5 Years
November 2023 marks five years since the launch of Kings Volunteer Resource Centre (KVRC) hosts the free volunteer linking service, in partnership with Volunteer Canada and the Nova Scotia Department of Communities, Culture, Tourism and Heritage.