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About the Position
Position # 2605
OrganizationGirl Guides of Canada - Nova Scotia Council
Position Unit Guider
Location Nova Scotia, Canada
Impact Statement Volunteering with Girl Guides means you choose to have fun, make connections, build skills, create positive change and inspire today’s girls to become everything they want to be.

Girl Guides offers girls and women the chance to make new friends, challenge themselves and put their ideas into action through an amazing range of activities developed to support girls.
Description Girl Guides of Canada has volunteer opportunities for you to help create a better world, by girls. You’ll become an influential part of girls’ lives as you share their laughter, help them believe in themselves and watch their confidence grow. Create a space where girls can just be. Volunteer as a Guider today – it’s worth your time.

Unit Guiders deliver dynamic programming and create safe spaces for our girl members. There is always a minimum of two Unit Guiders per meeting. The girl members range in age from 5 to 18.

Unit Guiders are role models for our girl members.
Training Details You’ll receive training in preparation for your role, and have access to ongoing training opportunities.
Working Conditions The active portion of the Guiding year typically ranges from September to May or June, with units usually meeting once a week. In addition to unit meetings, there may be community meetings, trainings and unit planning meetings with your co-Guiders.
Minimum Duration 7 - 12 months
Timing Anytime
Time Detail 1. Full-time Unit Guider (One evening a week for 1-2 hours)
2. Part-time Unit Guider (Only attends half of the meetings a month (1-2 hours each), usually coordinating with another leader to take turns on what night who attends the meeting)
Planning for meeting can be 1 to 2 hours per week.
Age 19+
Ideal for An Individual, A Newcomer, Older Adult
Area(s) of Interest Children/Youth, Teaching/Tutoring, Mentoring
Skill(s) Team Building, Coaching, Communicate in Plain Language, Public Speaking/Presentation Skills, Manage Meetings & Groups, Motivate Others
How to Apply
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Email Send an Email Message
Contact Membership Support
Phone 9024233735
Address 32 Glendale Ave Lower Sackville, B4C 3M1
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