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The 644 Revitalization Network
The 644 Revitalization Network is a new group of dedicated and coordinated volunteers from New Germany and Surround Area who want to see services and support for residents of the community. Our mission statement is “Working together to enrich the vitality and diversity of New Germany and surrounding areas”. While our group is relatively new, we have come together to unite the many different and valuable volunteer initiatives that have existed in the community for many years to consolidate efforts and build more sustainable resources for our rural community. We work to build partnerships with local groups and businesses to apply for grants together, share resources, and promote one another. While our work is focused on small actionable items, our larger goals can be summarized as food security, local infrastructure, senior social inclusion, supporting vulnerable and underserved community members, supporting small businesses and nurturing rural arts. Currently we work by identifying community needs, articulating visions and dreams for the community, and taking on tangible endeavors that fit into our large goals and can be sustainably realized.

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