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ARTSPLACE (Annapolis Region Community Arts Council)
ARTSPLACE is a contemporary gallery and arts centre that is operated by the Annapolis Region Community Arts Council (ARCAC). ARCAC was founded as a Society in 1982 by a group of artists who wanted to share their work and ideas with each other and their community. ARCAC is a registered charitable organisation. In 1996, ARCAC acquired its own building, known as ARTSPLACE. In 1998, ARTSPLACE was awarded Canada Council funding to present contemporary, visual arts as an artist-run centre. ARTSPLACE has three galleries, residency and pop-up studio/gallery and space for workshops and performances. ARTSPLACE's juried, professional visual arts exhibitions are programmed by an arm's length committee of the Board, comprised 100% of artists. ARCAC is funded by the Canada Council for the Arts (CCA), the NS Dept. of Communities, Culture and Heritage (CCH), and through membership, donations and fundraising.

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