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Create a Userid
First Name
Last Name

Contact Information

Postal Code
Preferred Method of Communication
E-mail address
Have You Volunteered Before?
Primary Objective of Volunteering
Allow to Contact for Survey?
Allow to Contact for Major Events?

Interests & Skills Information

Volunteer Interests
Check all that apply.
Volunteer Skills and Certifications
Check all that apply.
Languages Spoken
Check all that apply.
Other languages:
Other Skills
Detail any other education, special certifications or experience that could be relevant to your roles of interest as a volunteer.
Do you have experience as a major event leader?
Do you have retail/cash handling/POS experience?
Can you lift at least 25 kg / 50 lbs safely and comfortably?
If you’re interested in volunteering photography or social media services, let us know how we can find examples of your work.
Class of Driver’s License:

Demographic Questions

Note: All information on identity is voluntary and confidential. Any data you wish to provide will be used solely for the purposes of collecting information on diversity as well as identifying characteristics that allow us to better support organizers and participants at events.

Do you consider yourself to be a member of the heritage groups of Nova Scotia? Check all that apply.
Do you consider yourself a member of any of the following groups? Check all that apply.
Which of the following best describes how you think of yourself? Check all that apply.
I identify as:
Which of the following best describes how you identify? Check all that apply.
I identify as:
What are your preferred pronouns? (i.e. she, he, they, ze, name only, etc.)
Do you have a recent CRC/VS Check?
I agree to let Volunteer NS share my information with non-profit organizations that have registered with Volunteer NS